Delivery/Shipping Options


You have several options for transporting your ChiWowTown baby using one of several available shipping, delivery options for an additional fee. Options include one of my personal drivers/in flight nannies who will ensure a

CLEAN, SAFE, PROTECTED and COMFORTABLE journey for your baby to his/her new home!

Prices Vary Per Delivery & Method (starting at $350 and up) and are nonrefundable.

HOWEVER....I WILL NOT SHIP VIA CARGO!! EVER!!! Shipping via cargo puts undo stress on a young puppy. They travel unaccompanied in the cargo bays of an airplane with no lights and awful loud engine noise. If there is a medical emergency, they will be 100% alone until the airplane lands and the luggage is removed. I will NOT subject my babies to that level of stress and angst after leaving me.

All of my breeding dogs are fully AKC registered and come from strong lines and pedigrees. These lines have produced some beautiful Champions and Grand Champions. For more info on a specific pedigree, contact me directly. I try to adhere as closely as I can to the AKC Standards for Chihuahuas, breeding for health and temperament, a sound body and a beautiful look. My Chihuahuas are loving, loyal companions. My puppies/dogs are all raised in my home, cared for, loved and cherished as my children! My puppies will only go to homes that "I" feel are WELL prepared and educated in puppy etiquette. If you don't pass my quality control test, I won't be placing one of my angels in your home!